How To: Use MyBlindCo Pay


To receive MyBlindCo Pay payment via credit card in the App:

  • Find the Quote for the customer you are charging via MyBlindCo Pay.
  • At the bottom of the page, click Create Order.
  • This takes you to a sign-off page, where your customer will have to agree to your customized Terms and Conditions, and provide their Signature.
  • Click Create Order.
  • You will automatically be taken to a receive payment page. On this page, you can view the Total Invoice Amount (at the top), and the pre-calculated Required Deposit Amount (at the bottom). On this page, enter the customer’s Credit Card Information in the respective fields.
  • Turn Send Payment Confirmation Email on by clicking the toggle button, turning it green. This sends your customer a signed copy of the Order and Payment Confirmation.
  • Click Receive Payment.
  • A Payment Info alert should appear to tell you that your payment was successful!
  • Click Ok


View stored customer payment information in the App:

  • In the Order, view the Payment History.
  • Click on Receive Payment.
  • On the page, you will now see the card is saved in the Previously Used Cards field beneath customer information.
  • At the bottom of the screen, find Amount.
  • Click the edit button and enter the desired Final Payment amount.


Receive payment through MyBlindCo Pay in the Portal:

  • In the Orders tab, find the correct order.
  • On the left side of the row, click the Action button.
  • In the drop-down menu, click View. This immediately opens the order.
  • In the top right corner, click the Receive Payment button.
  • From here, you can perform Final Payment in the same way you did in the App.


To edit your company-wide required deposit amount:

  • In the Portal, click on My Business in the menu bar on the left side of the screen.
  • In the drop-down menu, click on Company Profile.
  • This page contains your company information. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to find the Default Deposit field.
  • Enter your desired deposit amount.
  • Click Save

*You can also edit the Credit Card Surcharge by entering your desired surcharge amount  in the field directly above Default Deposit. You will be able to turn the surcharge On or Off on any given Order by clicking the toggle button.

If you found this article about how to use MyBlindCo Pay in the App interesting, you may benefit from our article about how to record payments in MyBlindCo

How To: Record Payments in MyBlindCo

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