How To: Record Payments in MyBlindCo


Record Payments in MyBlindCo

Credit Card Payment through MyBlindCo Pay:

  • In the Receive Payment page, enter the customer’s credit card information into the Card Number, CVV, and EXP Date fields.
  • Click Receive Payment
  • After running the customer’s card once, the information will automatically be stored in MyBlindCo. Come time for final payment, you won’t have to re-enter their CC.
  • You will see that their credit card is stored directly under the customer’s information on the Receive Payment page: Previously Used Cards


Check/ Cash Payment or Other Credit Card:

These methods record payment, but do not process payment. If you are recording payment with a credit card, without using MyBlindCo Pay, this is simply to record that you received payment *NOT to process payment. Note that there is no place to enter credit card information.

  • If you are recording payment for Check/Cash, or Other Credit Card, simply tap the corresponding tab next to MyBlindCo Pay within the Receive Payment Page.
  • If you are running a deposit: MyBlindCo will automatically produce the deposit amount for you.
  • If you are receiving partial payment: In the Amount field, enter the amount you are receiving.
  • Toggle the Send Payment Confirmation Email to On (turning it green) if you would like the customer to receive a signed payment confirmation.
  • Click Receive Payment and an alert will pop up notifying you that “Your payment has been Recorded
  • You will be taken to a Payment History page where you can see all of the recorded payments this customer has made.


Track Deposit Status:

  • In the Orders tab on the main menu, locate your customer.
  • Look to the status column to know if this customer has paid their entire deposit.
    • Deposit Received: You have received the required deposit amount in entirety.
    • Awaiting Deposit: You have NOT received the entire required deposit amount.


For more detailed information on customer payment status:

  • Click on the Reports tab on the main side menu, then click on Customer Summary.
  • Click on the Payment Status report, or the Sales By Customer report.
  • These reports provide an in-depth summary of a specific customer’s payment history.


If you found this article about how to record payments in MyBlindCo interesting, you may benefit from our article about how to process refunds through Stax Connect: Click here to check it out.

How to: Process Refunds Through Stax Connect

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